Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Beret Beautiful Dark Wensleydale

At last I received my yarn from the mill.  I sent off just over 40 kilos of Wensleydale fleece from my flock of 9 Wensleydale!  Some of the fleece has been Super Chunky woollen spun and some 2 ply Worsted spun.   You can see the flock on on one of my previous blogs. You will see that some are getting on in years and have started to produce some beautiful silver coloured  fleeces and some are dark chocolate in colour. These fleeces were all mixed together to produce this yarn which will shortly be added to the Yarn page.  I have, however, stashed about 5 Kilos of carded fleece which is ready to hand spin.  I shall spin some and show you another day (I shall add a Fibre page soon and include this as well as other fibres to it ).  Back to this dark chocolate yarn.Having put all the yarn away in the wool craft shed (yes, it does actually exists) I eagerly added some of these balls of wool to my goody basket and hurriedly slunk indoors to get creative.

I begun to look through some patterns for inspiration and in two shakes of a lamb's tail I hand knitted this!

I had come across a Sirdar pattern for hats and berets which you can see in the basket above - the Click Chunky 9060. It didn't take very long and was easy to follow.

Very chic and lovely to wear.  The wool has a lots lustre as you can see.

So, that's the first project with this yarn.  I have started to crochet a blanket with the white alpaca and lambswool chunky yarn (see the yarn in the Yarn page)  and will be adding this dark yarn to it. Stay tuned and I will show you this work in progress soon.

I also have another grey chunky yarn (see the yarn in the Yarn page) which is made from my Lleyn flock.  it is made of 70% lambswool and 30% grey Alpaca.  I am going to knit this beret in a smaller size with it and see see how yarn from different breeds can possibly affect the result of a garment.

What are you working on?  click on the word "comments" below let me know.


  1. That looks just great! Beautiful dark wool. Wensleydale are very posh sheep. Love to see the lamb/alpaca one when you've made it!


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