Wednesday, 8 October 2014

I know my blog has been pretty quite lately but a lot has been going on behind the scenes.  Lots of family stuff and in terms of creating well.... I have been busy selling them.  My lovely shawls have proved popular which is wonderful and so I am knitting more.  I will of course be using the dark Wensleydale yarn and will add more colour.  I love making these because firstly, they are easy to make, they grow fast and the yarn is soft and feels beautifully soft in the hand.  Anyone who has worked with a super soft yarn will now just what I mean.

Here I am spinning some silk which, I must admit, I haven't yet planned what I am going make with it.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Michelham Spinners

Had the most fantastic weekend with my friends at Michelham Goes Wild.  Sunshine and spinning.  

Lots of lovely people and good food.  

This was the first time we had a stall as a team and we all loved it.  We learnt lots and ready for next time. 

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Another Wensleydale Creation

This shawl is luxurious and long and it wraps very nicely around you.    Again, my own design.   As the title suggests I have use mostly dark Wensleydale. 
The light cream colour is hand spun Alpaca and I used single  ply Lleyn wool which I hand dyed.  

This design is very eye catching and the tones are pleasant and relaxed.  The shawl hangs very elegantly and the design is very much admired.  I have received several requests from admirers for me to sell them the shawl and requests for me to make more.  So I suspect that this will be a particularly successful design which may keep me busy!   I am really pleased with the result.  This is the shawl below.  I am blocking it for  that fantastic finished look that blocking gives. 

I hope you like the photos that show what inspired me to make the shawl, the choice of colours and "feel" I wanted to achieve.

Above is a lovely hair pin my daughter bought me that not only inspired the colours but I use on the shawl.  

Thank you for visiting the blog.  You are very welcome to comment, let us know the name of your blog/website so that others may visit and do let us know what you are up to.

Rosa,s Wensleydale shawl.

After a long absence I'm back.  Since I last posted on the blog, I've had some of the beautiful Wensleydale fleeces spun and this is one of my first creations.  I've also used some single ply yarn from the Lleyn ewes which I hand dyed to add some colour to the shawl. 

It is, as we speak, blocking but soon I'll post the results for you to see. 

I didn't use a pattern I just went with the flow and here are some pictures of what inspired me.  

A rare breed, the Wensleydale is full of character they reward you with one of the most luxurious yarns.    Gorgeous to handle and a always a rewarding result.  

I would love to hear what you've been up to and what inspires you.