Friday, 19 October 2012


It's that time of the year to harvest our vegetables.  John grows all our vegetables from seed and with some simple ingredients we cook some tasty snacks for supper.  The eggs in this recipe are not homegrown but we will soon.  There may be much discussion amongst my family members about how I make my omelettes but that is life!

I made two omelettes a small thin one for sofia because that how she likes them and a big  fat one for us.  I like my tortillas (omelettes) with the egg a little runny. The ingredients were 2lbs of potatoes, 4 extra large eggs, 1 large onion and I used olive oil.

I made my life easy by slicing the potatoes and onions using a small food processor.  When the oil was hot I poured it all in the pan and after a few second I turned the heat down a little so let the potatoes and onions "stew" not fry crisp.  When cooked I carefully removed the potatoes and onions from the oil and poured them in the bowl of beaten egg.  I mixed everything well and I added some salt.  Using a smaller non stick pan I poured some of the mixture onto the oiled pan.  I only greased the pan with oil at this point.  When the bottom side was cooked I removed the pan from the heat and placed a plate that was larger than the pan over it.  With my hand firmly placed on the plate and the other on the frying pan handle I flipped the whole thing over leaving the tortilla cooked side up on the plate.  The frying pan went  back onto the heat and I eased/slid the omelette back onto the pan ucooked side down.

I finished cooking our tortillas and we sat down to a lovely supper.

Tip:  If like us you try and grow your own veg.  then you know that courgettes and marrows grow in large quantities.  I try to use these in many different ways just to eat them up.  I have used these in our tortillas instead of potatoes.  They worked well.  Just remember to use the dry fleshy bits or it will be too soggy. They make great Tortillas.  I peeled the marrows or courgettes and fried them using a non stick pan which was only greased with oil so this is great if you want a low calorie tortilla.